Friday, July 22, 2011

Isaac Russell

Isaac Russell is a brand new artist out of Utah who was recently signed by Columbia Records. So far he has only released a single EP from August 2010. He is from my hometown, Orem Utah, so I've seen him  grow into his music career and he is really exceptional. He sings very meaningful and lyrically rich stories along with his impressive guitar skills. He has gained some fame touring with some big names such as Pete Yorn, and Adele. I really just can't wait until we get a full album released from Isaac. I'm expecting big things from this debut album he's currently working on with Columbia.

He only has five songs on his EP, and they are all really great. But definitely listen to "Elizabeth", "Golden", and "Made Me A Man".

Isaac Russell on iTunes

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Passion Pit

Passion Pit is a pretty new band out of Cambridge, Massachusetts. They are all talented musicians; they all attending the Berklee College of Music (with the exception of the lead singer). They have a very unique sound, very unique high pitch vocals, and they are very heavy with the electronic sounds. It's all really upbeat feel good music. They only have one full album released in 2009 called "Manners" along with an EP released in 2008 called "Chunk of Change". A lot of people don't like Passion Pit on first listen, some do, but they are pretty unique. I didn't fall in love with them when I first listened, but soon after I really did.

Their most popular song on iTunes is "Sleepyhead", which is a great song. I also really like "Seaweed Song", "Folds in Your Hands", and "Moth's Wings".

Passion Pit on iTunes

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Andrew Belle

Andrew Belle is from Nashville, Tennessee. His music is really melodic, he has really exceptional vocals. He has a really laid back sound. His instrumentals and rhythms really meld exceptionally well into his strong melodic and soothing vocals. He has one EP and one album released so far. His debut album "The Ladder" in 2010 got into the top ten in the Singer/Songwriter category on iTunes. He has received some recent exposure on TV shows and movies, but just needs more exposure for people to realize how great he is. He is still a really new artist, but in my opinion one of the most talented up and coming artists in this specific genre.

He's definitely another artist where I like every one of his songs. His most popular on iTunes is Static Waves (feat. Katie Herzig). A few of my favorites are "My Oldest Friend", "The Ladder", and "All Those Pretty Lights".
Andrew Belle on iTunes

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Two Door Cinema Club

Two Door Cinema Club is a newer band coming out of Northern Ireland. They only have one album released so far, titled Tourist History, a very impressive debut album released April of 2010. The whole album is full of happy feel good music, just great every day listening type of stuff. They use quite a bit of electronica in their music, which is definitely a trend in newer music.

 I really like all every track on their album! The most popular and probably my favorite track is "What You Know". I also really like "Come Back Home", "This Is The Life" and "Something Good Can Work".
Two Door Cinema Club on iTunes.